Sunday, December 18, 2016

Not My Typical Post

            Lately something has weighed very heavy on my heart & spirit & I needed a place to release my thoughts on whats been keeping my mind up at night. This isn't going to be a typical post that I usually write about beauty products, its more personal & it's something that I feel like I need to write. As many of you know, I am passionate about being a hairstylist but my biggest passion is my Faith in God. Sadly, I must admit for the first two years of my career I battled back and forth with God on whether or not being a hairstylist was my calling.

Embarrassingly I thought,
 God has much, much bigger plans for my life and why would He ever call me into a career that would never fulfill my deepest hopes and desires

            I had put MY IDEA of what I THOUGHT God wanted for me on a pedestal and thought that being a hairstylist couldn't hold a candle to what God had in store for my life, but I continued on in my career with the mind set that eventually I would leave and go onto bigger and better things. 

            In the last year, my job has a hairstylist has become much, much more than hair and I now see why I was given the GIFT of becoming a hairstylist. We have all heard the joke that "hairstylist are like psychologist because for some reasons clients will tell you anything and everything," and its true. It's true in the most beautiful way. I don't consider myself a psychologist or think in any way I have the skills or knowledge to treat someone in a way that a doctor would but I do know that I am a daughter of a King who stays with me, day in and day out. I know that the women He puts in my chair are their for a reason and He will give me the knowledge, He will give me the words, He will give me the tools to reach out and love them for exactly who they are. 

            Now as I come to the end of the best year in my career, I can honestly say that there is nothing more fulfilling to me than to speak love, truth, hope and surrender my wants and my needs to be what God needs me to be to the women that are sitting in my chair. Whether my role is a friend, a sister, a secret keeper, a shoulder to cry on, a hug or even a silent nod so they know that someone is there and that someone loves them and someone thinks that they are beautiful. 

            As I take a look back and reflect, I feel stupid for thinking that being a hairstylist wasn't good enough for me and what God had in store for my life. For thinking that one day, God was going to come down and show me my true calling and I was going to leave my life as a hairstylist behind. I now can see that, God doesn't just place us in places by accident and I didn't just fall into being a hairstylist by chance. It was all thought out and planned by God.

When you really think about it, God saw something in me to where He trusted me to spend time with His Daughters, daily. His precious, precious daughters who mean so very much to Him. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?  Now I see, God wants us to trust in Him so wholeheartedly that no matter where we go, where we work, where we live;

that loving others like He loves them...  
is our calling.

            I know this isn't what you expected to read on my blog and I feel extremely vulnerable being that open and honest but I felt like God had placed it on my heart and I needed to let it out. I hope that you enjoyed this little glimpse into my heart and into my life and into my relationship with God. If you have any questions, comments or just want to show some love, please don't hesitate. I would love to hear from you. 

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